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Financial Abuse Limits a Family’s
Economic Resources and Opportunities

The pursuit of success should never come at the cost of one’s financial freedom. Together, we can break the silence surrounding financial abuse and champion the rights of those who deserve to thrive without fear of economic manipulation.

Finding someone driven, ambitious, and ready to succeed with resilience is an attractive trait that attracts people from all walks of life. This includes women who strive to be successful in all aspects of life. Sometimes they attract males who don’t have the character to pursue self-development and decide to try to control women who do. 

What exactly is financial abuse? It is a form of abuse where one individual asserts control over another’s economic resources to limit their capacity to act independently. They used money as a weapon, stealing checks, altering mail, using children as pawns, and even sabotaging finances long after divorce. This extends to the children’s school tuition and funds, stealing funds to restrict a child from moving forward financially. 

Abusers often use financial control as a tactic to maintain their power and prevent their partners from independence. This form of abuse often happens alongside physical abuse in relationships. Furthermore, they create false hope to crush spirits and create anxiety and panic attacks. 

Today, I call for our communities and our leaders to take a firm stand against financial abuse. We need laws to protect individuals’ economic resources during and after a relationship, and regulations against mail tampering, and signing tax returns without all proper signatures. It’s high time that we offer comprehensive support services for women, including financial counseling and resources to aid them in recovery and create legislation that helps financially support women during and after a divorce. 

By signing this petition, you are saying no to financial abuse and yes to justice, protection, and empowerment for young women. Please sign and share widely. Your signature can make the difference.

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